Kearns Solicitors is pleased to announce a new partnership with the National Residential Landlord Association (NRLA), the UK’s largest member organisation for private residential landlords in England and Wales.
Established in 1998, Kearns are specialist landlord solicitors acting for a wide range of landlords within the private rental sector (PRS) including private individuals, estate and letting agents, property investment companies and student accommodation providers.
With over 100,000 members managing over half a million properties throughout England and Wales, the NRLA provides private residential landlords with advice, support and resources to help the make renting within the PRS safe, legal and secure.
In response to the implementation of the Renting Homes (Wales) Act, the NRLA has established a dedicated team for Wales offering support and guidance to landlords with property in Wales. The NRLA has produced a significant range of resources to help landlords navigate the new legal landscape. Kearns Solicitors is proud to partner with the NRLA and to provide advice and assistance to landlords during this challenging time.
Lucinda Wolf, Senior Solicitor and Head of the Landlord and Tenant Team said:
“We are delighted to be recognised as an industry specialist by the NRLA which has an excellent reputation for representing private landlord interests and offers landlords a wealth of resources and support, particularly as they grow their support for Welsh landlords. At Kearns, we assist and advise landlords in all aspects of housing management and look forward to working together with both the NRLA and its members. Together we aim to help landlords comply with their legal obligations, and if disputes arise settle them quickly and cost effectively”.